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About Camp Orah

Our Directors

Mrs. Sarah Esther Goodman started Camp Orah, with her siblings, in 2002 after running camps since the age of 12.  Her experience with children doesn't stop at her position in camp as she has taught in both of Baltimore’s' girls school,  Bais Yaakov &  Bnos Yisroel.  Sarah Esther (as she in known in camp) works on camp almost all year round, spending endless hours on trying to make the upcoming summer, an even better one from the years past.  During the year, she runs a home based business, well known in our community, The Fashion Shop.  A local clothing store for women and teens.  When not working on camp, or working in the store, she is a stay at home mother, and has her hands full raising her younger children, some who haven't entered into the school system just yet.  Mrs. Goodman is excited again for another amazing summer, and looking forward to welcoming back many familiar faces, and meeting many new ones too.

Rabbi Yitzchok Goodman has been running camp orah for close to 10 years.  He has been helping his wife run camp for the past 15 years.  He is everyone’s favorite bus driver, as he personally picks up campers  to and from camp and drives on many trips. He is known for his exciting and fun personality and connecting with each and every camper by name! Rabbi Goodman's enthusiastic and passionate personality along with his unlimited ruach, is always a tremendous asset to our programs.  His past includes roles as a lifeguard, pool supervisor, league director, camp counselor, and camp director.  During the year, he learns at the Kollel Avodas Levi, the Graduate Program at Ner Israel Rabbinical College.  When not in school, Rabbi Goodman enjoys spending time with his wife and children.  Rabbi Goodman holds a Bachelor’s and Master's Degree in Talmudic Law, from Ner Israel Rabbinical College.  Rabbi Goodman is excited to be opening Camp Orah this summer for a full 8 week program enabling many campers who attend other local schools, to take part in his amazing summer camp.

Our Program

Located in the heart of the Orthodox community, Camp Orah provides a memorable summer your child will surely never forget! Our staff works year-round to provide our campers with fantastic activities to enhance their summer camp experience. Each day is full with excitement and energy - our staff works tirelessly to create innovative games and activities to keep your child safely entertained all day! And we offer weekly trips in our privately owned buses! 

Each year we select a theme that is carried out the entire summer, adding ruach to everything we do! We can't tell you what it is, but we can promise it will be AMAZING!


The beautiful pool is located just minutes from Camp. Our pool is both outdoor and indoor at the same time, Providing sun protection along with fresh air and heat.  Its the most refreshing part of each camper’s day.  The campers are supervised by certified Red Cross instructors. Campers receive both free swim and instructional swim by our swim teachers.


Our lifeguards and instructors ensure that each and every camper progress on their individual level to earn Red Cross certificates and achievements. Just ask around….If you want your daughter to learn to swim…CAMP ORAH is the place to be.


Campers are afforded the freedom of movement on our beautiful fields. Our Sports program includes basketball, machanyim, trench, among an array of other exciting sports.

Pre-School Division

Under the leadership of our well known Pre-school Director, Mrs. Nechama Shmolian, our younger division is under excellent supervision and care. All the Pre-School counslelors and jc's  are hand-picked for their warmth and dedication. Their primary concern is to make sure that every Orah Day Camp Pre-Schooler is well taken care of, nurtured, and happy. Campers will enjoy many activities such as swim, arts and crafts, theme days, baking, sports, outdoor play, Shabbos sing-a-longs, hunts, weekly trips and more. Our preschool boys enjoy baseball, kickball, soccer, and much more with their experienced Sports Rebbe. Besides their specially designed bunk rooms, the Pre-School children have a beautiful playground located on campus right near their bunk rooms. Your young campers will be sure to learn new skills and make new friends in the ever changing world around them.

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