Camp Orah
T-Shirt for every camper!
Dates & Rates
Summer 2018 Camp Session
June 26th to August 16th (8-Week Session)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30-3:30, Friday 9:30-2:00
Session Fees
FREE Bussing
until bus is full!*
early drop-off & late stay spots available!
The Fine Print
The session fees above do not include a $30 non-refundable registration fee, due at the time of registration. Please note that registration is not complete without the registration fee, which can be paid via cash, check or credit card. Checks are made payable to I. Goodman and mailed to 6303 Wirt Avenue, Baltimore MD 21215. If you would like to pay by credit card, please contact info@camporahmd.com to be sent a link (incurs a processing fee of 2.9%).
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high processing fees on the Active registration website, please select the second payment option, "Pay a Deposit and Pay Balance Manually". All customers who make payments in full on the Active registration website will be billed the 3.95% processing fee. Thank you for your cooperation!
Session fees cover the costs for activities and trips. There is a Grand Trip fee at the end of the camp session, which will be announced prior to the trip.
If you are eligible to select free add-ons during your registration process, please note you may only select one morning option and one afternoon option.
Payment for camp is due, in full, by June 15th. If payment is not received by June 15th, we reserve the right to refuse admission to camp. Payment for campers who selected free add-ons is due by January 18th. If payment is not received by this date, the add-on will be removed from your registration and given to the next person on the waiting list.
Late stay on Fridays is until 3:00pm.
Free bussing is only applicable for campers registering for the full 8-week session.
Campers receiving free bussing or free early drop-off/late stay must pay a $200 non-refundable deposit by January 18th, in order to reserve their spots. (This deposit will be applied toward your final camp balance).
Early drop-off and late stay are flat rate pricing. Pay per week and utilize as much or as little as you need. Early drop-off/late stay week selections must be sent in by May 15th.
REFUND POLICY: Cancellations made between May 1st and June 1st will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made between June 2nd and June 26th will receive a 40% refund. Cancellations made after the camp session begins will not receive a refund. Cancellations made after May 15th will be charged full price for any add-ons that were signed up for and not notified by May 15th of cancellation.
*Free bussing is available for the first registrants that select the free bussing add-on during the registration process, until the bus is full.