Camp Orah for Boys
"The Camp for BOYS that's
not just sports!"
Summer 2018 Camp Session
July 17th to August 9th (4-Week Session)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30-3:45, Friday 9:30-1:15
For boys entering 1st through 6th grades
Tiferes Yisroel Bais Dovid
(Rabbi Goldberger's Shul)
6201 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
Camp Location
Session Fees
The Fine Print
The session fees above do not include a $30 non-refundable registration fee, due at the time of registration. After registering online (do not pay the registration fee online), mail a check, made payable to Camp Orah, to 6303 Wirt Avenue, Baltimore MD 21215.
Payment for camp is due, in full, by July 1st.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high processing fees on the Active registration website, please select the second payment option, "Pay a Deposit and Pay Balance Manually". All customers who make payments in full on the Active registration website will be billed the 3.95% processing fee. Thank you for your cooperation!
Session fees cover the costs for activities and trips. There is a Grand Trip fee at the end of the camp session, which will be announced prior to the trip.
REFUND POLICY: Cancellations made between June 1st and July 1st will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made between July 2nd and July 25th will receive a 40% refund. Cancellations made after the camp session begins will not receive a refund.